Sunday, December 15, 2019

We should not add our parents in facebook Free Essays

We should not add our parents as friend on backbone According to the statistic updated in year 2013, there are total numbers of 1. 26 billion of Backbone users. It is common to have a Backbone account, vice versa. We will write a custom essay sample on We should not add our parents in facebook or any similar topic only for you Order Now The percentage of teenagers that add their parents as friend on Backbone Is 70%. 70% of them think that there is no problem to add their parents as friends on Backbone. However, It Is my view that I should not add my parents as friends on Backbone as It retrains me from being myself, Invades my privacy and makes me feel embarrassed. As I am a normal 18 years old teenager, I have a Backbone account too. I have added my mum as friend 3 years ago. When the first time I posted a selfless of myself on my Backbone wall, my mum mandated me to delete the photo. The reason she said Is, â€Å"The photo Is ugly, don’t put out your tongue when you take a picture! † I had followed what she want me to do, but also remove her from my friend list. There are millions type of me inside, my mum want me to be a teenager that has good image, but what I want to do is being myself. I think adding parents as friends on Backbone retrain me room being myself. There is no freedom to post a picture or a post on my Backbone, as parents will afraid that we have no good impression in others mind. In addition, there are no privacy between me and my parents if I added them as my friends on Backbone account. It is because they can see whatever things you post on your Backbone wall. They will constantly stalking your page and bombarding you with questions that make you feel like you have no social life or privacy. When you post a status written about you are feeling blue today, your parents will try to know about hat happen on you even though you choose not to tell them. Although it is a responsibility of parent to know more about their children, but there is a wall of privacy between parent and children. If children choose to make the thing happen on them as a secret to their parents, but they want to share it with friends, they will face â€Å"to be or not to be, that is a question. † Lastly, adding parents as my Backbone friend make me feel embarrassing. As I am from different generations with my parents, we would have different views and thoughts on certain things. My parents judge me In a way that make me feel uncomfortable, misunderstood, or even worse, embarrassed as they are made fun and chastised by my friends because of Judgments made by my parents. When they comment on each of my picture and post, they TLD notice that the comment sounds like talking to a small kid. They treat me childishly Like a kid as they didn’t notice that I am already an 18 years old teenager. It Is so embarrassing If my friend see what they comment. As a result, there are many disadvantages If teenagers add their parents as friends on Backbone. Therefore, teenagers should not add their parents on Backbone. Whether the reasons are for being themselves, privacy or image problem, they should delete their parents from the friend list. We should not add our parents in backbone By Koala-Neon percentage of teenagers that add their parents as friend on Backbone is 70%. 70% of However, it is my view that I should not add my parents as friends on Backbone as it retrains me from being myself, invades my privacy and makes me feel embarrassed. Backbone wall, my mum mandated me to delete the photo. The reason she said is, â€Å"The photo is ugly, don’t put out your tongue when you take a picture! † I had followed would have different views and thoughts on certain things. My parents Judge me in a parents. When they comment on each of my picture and post, they didn’t notice that the comment sounds like talking to a small kid. They treat me childishly like a kid as they didn’t notice that I am already an 18 years old teenager. It is so embarrassing if my friend see what they comment. As a result, there are many disadvantages if How to cite We should not add our parents in facebook, Papers

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