Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Unit 1 Free Essays

Running Header: UNIT 1: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Unit 1: Written Assignment LS308: Law and Society Kynyatta Weaver Professor: Joseph Marchionda Kaplan University I definitely agree that the major changes in society often bring about changes in the law. The reason that I agree with this is because when society first begin before anyone ever stole anything there was no need for the law, before the first murder there was no need for the law of murders. Now in this society and day and age because of some many crimes involving children they have imposed a new law, a curfew and violators will face the consequences as well as their parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I would like to use the civil rights movement as one example of where changes in society brought about a change in the law. The changes were that the people wanted equality and they began looking for a change and the society begin to rebel against the norm in order to obtain equality and the laws were eventually changed in order to allow equal rights, and allowed for segregation in schools, and for people to be able to sit where ever they want to on the bus, etc. 42 U. S. C.  § 2000a. Public establishments include places of public accommodation (e. g. hotels, motels, and trailer parks), restaurants, gas stations, bars, taverns, and places of entertainment in general. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent legislation also declared a strong legislative policy against discrimination in public schools and colleges which aided in desegregation. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in federally funded programs. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits employ ment discrimination where the employer is engaged in interstate commerce. Congress has passed numerous other laws dealing with employment discrimination. See Employment Discrimination. (http://www. aw. cornell. edu/wex/civil_rights) The second thing that I think of involving changes in society that cause changes in the law is drugs in society. When drugs weren’t thought of as an epidemic there were laws but not the laws that we have now, kingpin law, etc. The laws are specifically designed for drug dealers and depending on the amount of drugs determine the sentence and length of time a person will be sentenced to jail. 1984, 1986 Drug Analogue (1984) and Anti-Drug Abuse (1986) Acts– The Drug Analogue act was enacted to deal with â€Å"designer† drugs, allowing immediate classification of a substance as a controlled substance. Previous to this, people were avoiding prosecution with chemically altered versions of controlled substances with similar drug effects because they didn’t appear on the Schedules. The Anti-drug abuse act focused on penalties for trafficking. 1988 Omnibus Drug Act (a. k. a. , â€Å"Chemical diversion and trafficking act†)– added registration requirements on airplanes and boats, dealt with arms sales, money laundering, and added death penalty for murder connected with drug-related felony. Toughened penalties for users and allowed for confiscation of vehicles used in distribution. 996 The Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control Act restricts access to chemicals and equipment used in the manufacture of methamphetamine and increases penalties for possession of these plus the manufacture and/or sale of the drug. The Combat Meth Act of 2005 amended the Controlled Substances Act to make pseudophedrine (the active ingredient in Sudafed and a necessary ingredient for home me th production) a Schedule V drug to limit amounts that can be purchased and requiring I. D. This amendment has been credited with a significant drop in home meth production. However, distribution has shifted to cheaper sources from, predominantly, Mexico. (http://facultypages. morris. umn. edu/~ratliffj/psy1081/drug_laws. htm) Works Cited (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. law. cornell. edu/wex/civil_rights http://facultypages. morris. umn. edu/~ratliffj/psy1081/drug_laws. htm. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://facultypages. morris. umn. edu/~ratliffj/psy1081/drug_laws. htm http://www. law. cornell. edu/wex/civil_rights. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. law. cornell. edu/wex/civil_rights: http://www. law. cornell. edu/wex/civil_rights How to cite Unit 1, Essay examples

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