Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Answer the question - Essay Example It is therefore important that teachers embrace practical approach to learning through effective research to achieve the solutions to academic challenges and unjustified claims (Nell, 2011) Research findings are subject to temporal changes. This necessitates the construction of a paradigm in which temporal changes in scientific findings are factored into the initial findings to create coherence of knowledge (Nell, 2011).This provides teachers with an alternative to use other researches in the various fields with necessary shifts of paradigms to explicitly foster comprehensive understanding among learners. Essentially, no research proceeds without the influence of an initial course. Earlier researches provide basis to make inferences on current issues with necessary changes. Therefore, paradigms provide effective means through which coherence in research findings is attained without undue criticisms of the initial research. Scientific research is the fundamental driver of scientific progress, inventions, and innovations. It is important to create a smooth transition between research and its implementation. Research in itself is unable to cause the desired academic change without an effective implementation of the findings (Nell, 2011). Application of a theoretical claim in research is necessary whenever adequate research tools are made available. Research in essence provides a means through which theoretical knowledge finds justification. Human minds bear several unresolved doubts about the existence and changes in various aspects of life. It is therefore necessary that the perceptions of learners in a classroom set up be underscored by facts to justify the reality of such

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