Thursday, November 7, 2019

Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essays

Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essays Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essay Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essay Essay Topic: Equus DesignIT is a in writing humanistic disciplines company that is spread outing concern and has late purchased a new edifice 56’*36’ infinite for the intent of lodging two full clip interior decorators and a receptionist. The new edifice has four cells. one office. one waiter room. one response desk. and a conference room. DesignIT has already relocated one Web Server ( Microsoft IIS Server ) . one File Server ( Microsoft Server 2008 ) . and one more Waiter 2008 ( Small Business Server ) . As a web design adviser. I have been charged with the undertaking of planing and configuring the web for DesignIT. The little company has informed me that the web should include six computing machines. three pressmans. a Firewall. a radio web for portable devices. and a high velocity cyberspace connexion. DesignIT has besides requested me that all the interrelated devices and wiring. along with the velocity should be able to offer the best public presentation. I will plan a Local Area N etwork ( LAN ) for DesignIT. a Local Area Network ( LAN ) is a web of computing machines. and other web devices such as pressmans which exchange informations. and are located under one roof. LAN webs are largely used in little organisations or little concerns. The computing machines in a LAN communicate through protocols and portion informations such as files and electronic mails. Every computing machine in a web is assigned a alone Internet Protocol ( IP ) . When a computing machine communicates by directing a petition to the LAN web. it is routed to a peculiar waiter that has the requested information. The waiter so communicates back to the IP reference of bespeaking computing machine with the information that was requested ( Kenyon. 2002 ) . There are three waiters for DesignIT. the Web Server will be used to link the company to the cyberspace. and the File Server will be utilized for sharing while the Small Business Server will be utilized as a Mail Server. Since DesignIT needs a web that incorporates six computing machines. three pressmans. and a radio web. the web design should therefore take several factors into consideration. These factors will impact on the web costs. velocity. substructure. and functionality. When planing this Local Area Network ( LAN ) for DesignIT. there is besides need to see the web demands. The web should incorporate sound. picture. synchronal. every bit good as asynchronous informations. When planing the LAN web. the organisational ends of DesignIT should be factored in the LAN design. I will besides pay attending to web throughput. line charges. security. and the integrating of newer engineerings in the hereafter. When planing a LAN web. some issues must be considered. one of these issues is the organization’s short. medium. and long term ends. Several factors to be considered include the web equipment. user applications. end-user equipment ( workstations ) . and connectivity to the cyberspace. The LAN web for DesignIT will include other web devices which include gateways. routers. firewall. and overseas telegrams. Without these devices communicating can non be possible from a computing machine to another in the LAN web. A router and switch are the most of import devices of a web. Networks which are good configured and have a good substructure are helpful in be ttering manageableness. public presentation. dependability and cut downing overall operating cost ( Kenyon. 2002 ) . To put up this LAN web for the DesignIT. the following are the hardware and package devices that I would use so as to plan the LAN web for DesignIT. T1 Lines- This is a criterion for informations communicating which was foremost developed in the sixtiess. T1 lines offer a information rate of 1. 544Mbps. I will use T1 nexus from Verizon to link DesignIT to the cyberspace. T1 lines are offer private voice and dependable informations networking. A T1 line typically costs $ 1000 per month. Cisco Linksys Firewall- A firewall is a package or hardware web device that controls incoming and surpassing informations communicating through analysing informations packages and giving permissions whether to let or non based on a set of regulations. A firewall may besides include a default gateway or a placeholder waiter which helps to do web petition on the behalf of a user. I will use Cisco-Linksys BEFSX41 EtherFast Cable/DSL Firewall Router ( 4-Port 10/100 Switch / VPN Endpoint ) for this web. The device costs $ 150. LAN Switch- A LAN Switch performs the same work as a hub except that. a switch does non broadcast packages to every computing machine in the web like hubs. All the computing machines and computing machine devices will be connected to the switch by Ethernet overseas telegrams. The LAN Switch costs $ 150. Linksys Wireless Router- A router is a web device that is used to link two or more computing machine devices in a web. The Linksys Wireless router will be utilized to link wireless devices the LAN web. The Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router that I will utilize in this instance costs $ 150. Ethernet Cables- Ethernet Cables will be utilized to link all the web devices in the DesignIT LAN web. They will link routers. switches. computing machines. and pressmans in the LAN web. I will use CAT5 Ethernet Cables for this web. The Ethernet overseas telegrams will be about $ 100 for DesignIT LAN web. ESET NOD32 Antivirus- an Antivirus is package that is used to forestall. observe. and take malicious computing machine plans. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is a good pick since it besides acts against other types of malware such as worm. Trojan Equus caballuss. back doors. and spyware. The ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 that I will use for this web costs $ 40 for subscription of one twelvemonth. The edifice will portion one cyberspace connexion ( T-1 nexus from Verizon ) . This connexion will come to Web Server in the waiter room. This will be the entree point of the LAN web of DesignIT. The T-1 nexus from Verizon will link the company to the cyberspace and can besides be utilized to link the LAN web to another LAN or WAN web in instance the company decides to spread out concern in future. The T-1 nexus utilizes frame relay which will supply the edifice with high velocity informations connexion between and among all users. This connexion will besides enable all computing machines to have dedicated connexion at a velocity that every computing machine requires. This connexion will besides be low-cost for DesignIT since it is merely charged for the resources. It costs an norm of $ 1000 per month. Frame relay is an industry criterion engineering for accessing fast package switched. â€Å"cloud computing† informations webs ( Bates. 2000 ) . Through T1 link DesignIT will utilize frame relay as an interface between informations terminal equipment such as routers. switches. and host machines such as waiters. This engineering will supply connectivity via logical channels or lasting practical circuit connexions which will be deployed over dedicated entree installations and shared on a high public presentation exchanging platform. This shared informations platform and anchor makes transport more efficient. such that allusers will have better web throughput which is besides cost effectual. T-1 nexus engineering is an added advantage for DesignIT LAN web since it is flexible to utilize and an first-class platform for many application. Since multiple practical connexions are established over one physical entree line. Frame Relay can cut down the figure of client premises router p orts necessary for LAN applications. The figure of private lines required to achieve mesh connectivity and dependability can besides be reduced. Frame Relay handles terminal to-host. LAN-to-LAN connexions. or applications like imaging. electronic mail and in writing file transportations with equal simpleness. With all of these capablenesss. Frame Relay is an first-class pick for DesignIT. I will configure a Class C web for DesignIT with an IP of 192. 168. 0. 0/16. There will merely be one subnet for this web. I have selected a Class C web because it exhibits the ability to battle spamming of sites located on the same waiter. Search engines have removed associating power from one site to the other in instance they are on the same category C IP. I will take web security steps so as to implement the best security for DesignIT. The security will be designed in respect to the user group in inquiry. this means that the two interior decorators will portion different user groups with the receptionist if need be. I will implement entree control measures such as entree logs so as to pull off what each user should hold entree to in resp ect to the organisational policies and processs. I will besides put in ESET NOD32 Antivirus in the Small Business Server. The Cisco Linksys Firewall will besides be a cardinal device for heightening security ; it will command entrance and surpassing informations communicating through analysing informations packages and giving permissions based on security regulations. The Bus Topology is the best suited for this web ; the coach topology is the simplest web topology. Besides known as additive coach. in this topology all computing machines will be connected to a immediate overseas telegram or a overseas telegram joined together to do it immediate. Ethernet is the common illustration of a coach topology. Each computing machine determines when the web is non busy and transmits informations as needed. Computers devices in a coach apology listen merely for transmittal from other computing machines ; they do non reiterate or send on the transmittal on the other computing machines. It is besides deserving observing that the signal in a coach topology travels to both terminals of the overseas telegram. To maintain the signal from resiling back and Forth along the overseas telegram. both terminals of the overseas telegram in a coach topology will be terminated.

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