Monday, December 23, 2019

How Bill Gates Siezed his Dreams - 1399 Words

The founder of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, found interest in computers and the way they worked at a very young age. As a high school student, he was able to accomplish many feats on some rudimentary machines that pale in comparison to what he would come to develop. The friends he possessed throughout his learning stage have stayed with him to create an empire in the computer software industry. This man excelled at school, but seized his dream of starting his own company, making him one of the most successful businessmen in history. This iconic figure is the one and only, Bill Gates. William Henry Gates III, more commonly known as Bill Gates, was born into a Seattle family on October 28, 1955. He was born to parents William Gates II and Mary Gates, with one older sister and one younger, Kristianne and Libby. As a child, Gates was referred to as â€Å"Trey†, being that his name was ‘the third’ of the same; this was not accurate however, because he was actually the fourth member of his family to bear the name William Henry. Gates and his sisters were raised to be extremely competitive, knowing that rewards were given to winners, and penalties came to the losers. This competitive nature, instilled from a very young age, may have been the reason Gates went on to be such a successful businessman. This was a period of time in which personal computing was uncommon, and students were rarely exposed to any types of computers. Fortunately for Mr.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

We should not add our parents in facebook Free Essays

We should not add our parents as friend on backbone According to the statistic updated in year 2013, there are total numbers of 1. 26 billion of Backbone users. It is common to have a Backbone account, vice versa. We will write a custom essay sample on We should not add our parents in facebook or any similar topic only for you Order Now The percentage of teenagers that add their parents as friend on Backbone Is 70%. 70% of them think that there is no problem to add their parents as friends on Backbone. However, It Is my view that I should not add my parents as friends on Backbone as It retrains me from being myself, Invades my privacy and makes me feel embarrassed. As I am a normal 18 years old teenager, I have a Backbone account too. I have added my mum as friend 3 years ago. When the first time I posted a selfless of myself on my Backbone wall, my mum mandated me to delete the photo. The reason she said Is, â€Å"The photo Is ugly, don’t put out your tongue when you take a picture! † I had followed what she want me to do, but also remove her from my friend list. There are millions type of me inside, my mum want me to be a teenager that has good image, but what I want to do is being myself. I think adding parents as friends on Backbone retrain me room being myself. There is no freedom to post a picture or a post on my Backbone, as parents will afraid that we have no good impression in others mind. In addition, there are no privacy between me and my parents if I added them as my friends on Backbone account. It is because they can see whatever things you post on your Backbone wall. They will constantly stalking your page and bombarding you with questions that make you feel like you have no social life or privacy. When you post a status written about you are feeling blue today, your parents will try to know about hat happen on you even though you choose not to tell them. Although it is a responsibility of parent to know more about their children, but there is a wall of privacy between parent and children. If children choose to make the thing happen on them as a secret to their parents, but they want to share it with friends, they will face â€Å"to be or not to be, that is a question. † Lastly, adding parents as my Backbone friend make me feel embarrassing. As I am from different generations with my parents, we would have different views and thoughts on certain things. My parents judge me In a way that make me feel uncomfortable, misunderstood, or even worse, embarrassed as they are made fun and chastised by my friends because of Judgments made by my parents. When they comment on each of my picture and post, they TLD notice that the comment sounds like talking to a small kid. They treat me childishly Like a kid as they didn’t notice that I am already an 18 years old teenager. It Is so embarrassing If my friend see what they comment. As a result, there are many disadvantages If teenagers add their parents as friends on Backbone. Therefore, teenagers should not add their parents on Backbone. Whether the reasons are for being themselves, privacy or image problem, they should delete their parents from the friend list. We should not add our parents in backbone By Koala-Neon percentage of teenagers that add their parents as friend on Backbone is 70%. 70% of However, it is my view that I should not add my parents as friends on Backbone as it retrains me from being myself, invades my privacy and makes me feel embarrassed. Backbone wall, my mum mandated me to delete the photo. The reason she said is, â€Å"The photo is ugly, don’t put out your tongue when you take a picture! † I had followed would have different views and thoughts on certain things. My parents Judge me in a parents. When they comment on each of my picture and post, they didn’t notice that the comment sounds like talking to a small kid. They treat me childishly like a kid as they didn’t notice that I am already an 18 years old teenager. It is so embarrassing if my friend see what they comment. As a result, there are many disadvantages if How to cite We should not add our parents in facebook, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Assumptions of Monopoly Market Essay Example For Students

Assumptions of Monopoly Market Essay The monopoly describes an industry by consisting a individual house. In other words. the house and the industry are one and the same. In the absence of ordinance. monopolizers can exert control over the monetary values they charge for merchandises and services. Of class. in world. it is frequently hard to specify industries ( whether in footings of merchandise produced or country covered ) . which frequently causes jobs in specifying monopolies. The three chief premises of monopoly are:†¢ Single houseIn a monopoly. there is a individual house which produces all the end product of the industry. In other words. the house and the industry are synonymous. Consequently. the demand curve the monopolizer faces is in fact the same as the industry demand curve. †¢ Unique merchandiseUnlike perfect competition ( where all houses produce indistinguishable merchandises ) . the monopolizer produces the lone merchandise. In other words. there are no close replacements being produced by other houses. This means that consumers can merely purchase end product from one house. For illustration. traditionally in the UK before the deregulating of the 1980s and 1990s. clients could merely purchase gas ( British Gas ) . telephone ( British Telecommunications ) and postal services ( Post Office ) from a individual provider. †¢ Barriers to entryOne of the chief grounds why monopolies arise and are sustained. is that barriers to competition be – more specifically. barriers to entry and issue. Barriers to entry can be defined by and large as anything that places a possible entrant at a competitory disadvantage comparative to houses already established in the industry. Entry barriers can originate in three ways. viz. authorities ordinances ( legal barriers ) . the proficient conditions predominating in the industry ( structural barriers ) and by the actions of established houses ( strategic barriers ) . Legal barriers come in the signifier of assorted Acts of the Apostless and ordinances. They can originate because of assorted signifiers of ordinance.which affect either industry construction ( the figure of houses in an industry ) or how houses behave. Examples of legal barriers include enrollment. enfranchisement and licensing of concerns. patents. revenue enhancements. duties and quotas. Structural barriers arise from the built-in structural and proficient features of an industry. In other words. the extent of merchandise distinction. the size distribution of houses. the handiness to houses of economic systems of graduated table and range all determine the extent and nature of barriers to entry in any given industry. Finally. strategic barriers are erected by constituted houses to discourage the entry of new houses. Such barriers include assorted signifiers of pricing and non-pricing schemes. Overall. in the instance of a pure monopoly. the monopolizer is efficaciously insulated from competition. by barriers to entry. Given that the monopolizer faces a downward sloping demand curve and produces a alone merchandise or service. it accordingly has complete control over the monetary values it charges. Mention:hypertext transfer protocol: //classof1. com/homework-help/economics-homework-help/

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rain Main Essays - Cinema Of The United States,

Rain Main Rain Man, a film about an exceptional person, portrays the life of Raymond Babbot and his struggle to be understood and loved by his brother Charlie Babbot. This academy award-winning drama stars two incredibly talented actors - Tom Cruise (Charlie) and Dustin Hoffman (Raymond). These two brothers, separated at a young age by Raymond's exceptional condition, find themselves later in life brought together by their father's death. The movie grabs the heart of it's audience in an attempt to bring together the life of the ?exceptional? person with that of the ?normal? mainstream life. The Rain Man drama begins with a young man (Charlie) sorting through his acceptance with his father's death, or shall I say basically waiting to find out exactly what his inheritance may be. The Babbot family never really had a history of ?togetherness? as Charlie and Raymond's mother lost her life at their young age and while Charlie was three Raymond was sent off to WallBrook, a facility meeting the needs of exceptional people. As the inheritance is read to Charlie, he finds himself left with only a Buick convertible and a rose bush, while the rest of his father's $3.5 million estate was left to a trustee (a director at the WallBrook facilities). Distraught with the idea that someone else has the money that Charlie needs, he heads off to meet with the trustee at WallBrook. Once there, Charlie Babbot finds himself not helped at all and upon leaving meets the genius of Dustin Hoffman (Raymond Babbot), which begins the story of Rain Man. Raymond Babbot is what is known as an autistic-savant, or also referred to as an idiot-savant. This is a problem usually categorized by a problem with communicating, learning, and expression of one's self. Raymond has an extensive routine which he follows daily from the times of television shows he watches, to bed times, to food he eats, to the exact arrangement of his room. Anything interfering with this exact routine makes Raymond extremely nervous. He also has trouble making decisions with the repeated line ?I don't know.? Though Charlie first thinks Raymond to be stupid, retarded, and a complete idiot, he later finds Raymond to be an utter genius with numbers and statistics - basically anything to do with order and arrangement. Excited about having a brother and the opportunity to get the money left by his dad, Charlie kidnaps Raymond from WallBrook. Very quickly Charlie gets disgusted with Raymond and unwilling to accept that he doesn't understand some things. Because of this and the fact that Charlie has such an inability to understand others because of his own selfishness., Charlie's girlfriend leaves him. Then begins Charlie and Raymond's infamous trip to California. This part is where I believe the author is intending to introduce inclusion of exceptional people into the mainstream, normal life. All of the sudden Raymond is thrown unexpectedly into everyday situations. Immediately Charlie begins to find out just what a tremendous schedule and time frame Raymond must be on. This is very evident in Raymond's need to watch television shows such as ?The Peoples' Court? and ?Jeopardy? and also with the exact food schedule coordinated by the days of the week. Raymond is very set in his ways which bring Charlie to a heated height. For example: just as they are about to board a plane, Raymond starts blurting out all of these statistics about plane crashes and how unsafe it is to fly. Then later refuses to go out when it is raining. Charlie becomes extremely disgusted with Raymond, but then dramatically turns around and begins to understand Raymond and the needs he has in his life. On the Babbot brother's great trip to Las Vegas they find themselves all suited up and ?rolling in the dough? with Raymond's genius ability to play black jack (count cards). Charlie then has enough money to pay off his debt. They get to stay in the ?high roller's suite? and this is really the first time it is evident of Charlie's love for Raymond. As they enter the room they find the bed in the right place and the room prearranged just as Raymond would have it. Raymond and Charlie continue their ?adventure? to California where

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Machines essays

Machines essays Subject: English Commonwealth Essay Machinery has always been an indispensable part of our lives. Originating as simple machines such as pulleys and levers, machines first came into existence thousands of years ago. These simple machines were to enable the application of force more efficiently. Over the centuries, man combined simple machines to come up with complex ones. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 17th century, more efficient and complicated machines have surfaced, the sewing machine, typewriter and telephone, just to name a few. At the turn of the last century, technology has advanced at such a rapid pace that our lives literally revolve around and depend most heavily on machines. We have rice cookers and microwave ovens to cook our food. We have dishwashers to wash our dishes. Also, almost all of our work is done on computers. Everyday when we commute from one place to another, we almost always depend virtually on vehicles. Indeed, machinery has brought a lot of convenience to our lives. We have vending machines to provide us packaged food twenty-four hours a day. Not only do we have telephones to communicate, we even have mobile phones. Besides personal computers, we have laptops and palmtops which can fit easily into a briefcase or a pocket. Just recently, the invention of robots has emerged. There is even talk that robotic devices could become a member of the household, alongside the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner! The invention of automobiles has led to an even bigger invention aeroplanes. Aeroplanes, ranging from private planes to jumbo jets, can transport up to hundreds of passengers from one continent to another within hours. This not only brings the world closer, but also connects one to the most inaccessible and remotest places on earth. The revolution of the amazing computer has paved the way for the Internet. The Internet enables us to send electronic mails,...

Friday, November 22, 2019

African American Retribution

As she looked outside to see what all the commotion was about, invaders were raiding her village slaughtering and kidnapping her countrymen and women in front of her eyes (Horton Horton, 2005, p. 13). By the end of the raid her father, uncle, and other relatives were dead and she and her mother became prisoners Of war. Her apprehender were people from her own country, warrior slaves who invade rival villages and seized captives to trade to European slave dealers in return for fine fabrics, wines, and weapons (Horton Horton, 2005, p. 13). Once traded she was branded with her masters logo and shipped like cargo on vessels under intolerable conditions (Horton Horton, 2005, p. 13).Such events occurred millions of times in Africa, resulting in millions of Africans being kidnapped from their homeland and relatives, and then sold and traded like cattle to foreigners. Anne Barrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank, veteran ruinations for The Hartford Currant, indicate that European ships transported nearly all the estimated 1 1. 5 million Africans sold over three centuries into New World slavery, including the approximately 645,000 sent to the American colonies (Barrow, Lang, Frank 2005, p. 5). African slaves were brought to America in 1 619 to help with the production of lucrative crops. In the article Slavery in America, it is written that In the early 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as a cheaper, more plentiful labor source than indentured servants ( 2011 By 750, nearly a quarter million African slaves populated the mainland colonies of British North America, while 30,000 were held in the southern colonies (Horton Horton, 2005, p. 41).In the article Slavery in America, it is reported that Slavery was practiced throughout the American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries, and African-American slaves helped build the economic foundations of the nevus nation (Slavery in America, 2011). The African Americans who were enslaved by America deserve reparation. First they deserve reparation because America was built by slavery. African Americans were the primary force in the production of lucrative crops. Secondly, they deserve reparation because of all the horrific experiences they had to endure.Millions of Africans were kidnapped from their homes and land, tortured, brutalized and treated as less than human. Finally, they deserve reparation because other races of people who America enslaved and mistreated receive compensation. Native Americans were enslaved and mistreated to a lesser degree than African Americans and they receive reparation. Slavery played an extremely important role in the construction of the United States. James Oliver Horton, Professor of American Studies and History at George Washington university, and Lois E.Horton, Professor of History at George Mason University, indicated that The slave trade and the products created by slaves labor, particularly cotton, provided the basis for Americas wealth as a nation, underwriting the countrys industrial revolution and enabling it to project its power into the rest of the world (Horton Horton, 2005, p. 7). Once the nation started expanding westward, so did slavery increasing the cotton kingdoms of Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, andLouisiana. These states soon became the center of importance for American Slavery (Fonder, 2005). Eric Fonder, a winner of the Bancroft Prize and Francis Parka Prize, and Professor of History at Columbia University and a member of the American Academy of Arts confirmed that as a result of the increase in African American slaves Cotton production grew from fewer than three thousand bales in 1790 to nearly five million bales on the eve of the Civil War.By then, cotton Was by far the most important export Of the United States (Fonder, 2005 p. 11). Many of the African American slaves in South Carolina used the knowledge that they brought from the rice growing regions of central Africa, to grow rice in the American colonies for their own consumption. Seeing that it was another cash crop, European settlers began to adopt the process and demand the production of it on a large scale (Horton Horton, 2005).Authors James Horton and Lois Horton noted Rice became so critical to South Carolina that slaves from rice growing regions of Africa were especially prized. Some traders, realizing the marketing advantage, claimed to be able to supply Africans from what was advertised as he Rice Coast in return for premium prices. (Horton Horton, p. 33) Not only did African Americans helped build America by being the main producers of lucrative crops. They also helped in the construction of America by changing the ways Americans lived their everyday lives.Authors James Horton and Lois Horton confirm, The cultural traditions, skills, and sensibilities that Africans brought with them helped shape the lives of all Americans (2005). The Africans in South Carolina who worked in the rice fields brought the agricultural methods with them that were used in their mom land. They created the large round shallow-sided reed winnowing baskets used in the rice fields of their country. In Virginia the slaves who were ironworker forged the axes and hoes that were used on local farms (Horton Horton, 2005).African Americans also greatly influenced American cuisine Author James Horton and Lois Horton detailed that Slave cooks introduced African cooking methods and tastes to the American diet, often emphasizing corn in the form Of bread or hoecake, mush, hominy, and roasted ears, stews, fried meat, rice, yams, fruits, and groundnuts were moon in Afr ican diets, and when available were enjoyed by African Americans as well. Much of what has become identified as southern cuisine in America had its origins in kitchens presided over by African American cooks. Horton Horton, 2005, p. 42) African American slaves deserve reparation because they suffered horrendous circumstances. The way they were treated is shameful. From the time they were abducted and sold, the conditions they were forced to live under were inhumane. Authors Anne Barrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank reported the cruelty, Upon purchase in Africa, slaves routinely were branded. Their owners mark might be sketched with a hot iron ( 2005, p. 100). Additionally conditions which the captured Africans had to endure once they were sold and transported to American were horrific. In a few accounts, slaves documented or were documented telling their horrifying experience of the middle passage to America. Aloud Quinoa an educated African American slave who bought his freedom was the first American slave to write an autobiography about his experience on the middle passage to America: The stench of the hold while we were on the coast was so intolerably toothsome, that it was dangerous to remain there for any time.The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us. (Horton Horton, 2005, p. 22) Many Africans died on the voyage back to America. Captains of the ship routinely ordered the sick slaves to be thrown overboard out of fear that they may contaminate the whole cargo. In some instances, the captain would tie a slave to a chair and throw him/her overboard and be said to regret losing the chair (Barrow, Lang, Frank 2005).Veteran journalist for The Hartford Currant Barrow, Lang, Frank detailed incidences of actual cannibalism on a slave ship reported in the New-York Gazette in May 1 766: The crew and slave cargo of a sloop bound for North Carolina began to starve after the ship lost its sails and drifted for six weeks. In want of provisions, they were put to the necessity of eating one of the dead negro children, which so exasperated the Negroes on board that they fell on the crew. (Barrow, Lang, ; Frank 2005, p. 107) The environments that African slaves had to live in once they made it toAmerica were appalling. It is reported that, They were housed in unheated attics and basements, in outbuildings and barns. They often slept on the floor, wrapped in coarse blankets. They lived under a harsh system of black codes that controlled their education, and limited their social contacts. (Barrow, Lang, Frank 2005, p. 63) The natural tendency of slavery was to convert the master into tyrant, and the slave into a victim of tyranny (Bordering, 2005, p. 14). In any incident in which a slave would threaten his/her master, the punishment would be severe Versus M.Bordering, writer for New York Times, Smithsonian, American Heritage, Atlantic Monthly, and Readers Digest and author of Killing the White Mans Indian and My Mothers Ghost detailed the punishment of a slave who did such a thing: For a slave to lift his hand against the sacred temple of a white mans body/ even in in self-defense, was an act of rebellion. Slaves from surrounding plantations were ordered to witness his punishment for their moral improvement. One hundred lashes were laid on by a local blacksmith, fifty lashes at a time.Bleeding and faint, the victim was then held p against the whipping post and his right ear fastened to it with a tack. The blacksmith then sliced the ear off with a knife, to the sound of cheers from the crowd. (Bordering, 2005, p. 1 2) Slave masters had to develop different strategies to punish their slaves and in some situations the punishment did not fit the crime. Since slaves could not be fired, fined or jailed without losing the value of their work the slave owners had to turn to physical punishment as a resort (Bordering, 2005, p. 23). Versus M. Bordering detailed a few incidents in which a slave was being disobedient and needed to be punished In the late 1 sass William Dunbar, a sophisticated Mississippi settler condemned two runaways to five hundred lashes each, spaced out over time, and to carry a chain ; log fix to the ankle. In 1 736 a Methodist minister heard a South Carolina slave owner recommend that one first nail up a Negro by the ears, then ordered him to be whipped in the severest manner, and then to have scalding water thrown over him. (Bordering, 2005, p. 4) Finally African Americans deserve reparation because other ethnicity groups who were mistreated receive reparation what is done for one group should e done for the other. Native Americans were mistreated by the united States, unlike African Americans they receive reparation. Until the sasss Native Americans were a significant proportion of slave labor on southern plantations working alongside African Americans (Purdue, 2009). The Colonists, however, feared an uprising between the two groups, so they worked to divide them by employing Indians as slave catchers and terrifying African slaves with the tales of Indian savagery (Purdue, 2009).Eventually Native Americans were freed from slavery and granted their own and and other forms of reparation in America. The Cherokee Nation signed a treaty with the United States at the end of the civil war granting the ex-slaves, or Freedmen, all the rights of Native Cherokees (Hirsch, 2009, pig. 118). Mark Hirsch stated in the book Indivisible Thousands of former slaves received citizenship in the Cherokee Nation after the Civil War. These citizen Freedman enjoyed the right to farm tribal lands as well as vote in tribal elections and hold tribal office. Ender the Treaty of 1866, Freedman who resided in Cherokee territory before the war, and who remained there in 866, were to be considered citizens. Cherokee Freedmen living outside the nation were granted six months to return to claim tribal citizenship (Hirsch, 2009, pig. 118). Some Southern States began to provide schools for Native Americans. In the sasss an Indian school system was established for the Mississippi Choctaws, Alabama-Cutthroats, and the South Carolina Castaways (Purdue, 2009, pig. 26).Richard Leister a Washington Correspondent stated in his article Native Americans regain land The United States Government has promised to return more than 3,000 sq km of desert land to a Native American tribe. The government had promised in 1 882 that native people in Utah would own the area for all time (Leister, 2000). Some feel African Americans are not entitled to reparation because they are not native to American. However, African Americans were forced from their homeland, mistreated, slaughtered, and enslaved on an extremely larger scale than Native Americans. African Americans were even enslaved by Native Americans.Michael Couscous stated in his Article Native American Slavery By the 19th century, many Native American peoples, most famously the Cherokees, embraced racial slavery and began to own African American slaves (Couscous, 2007). Others feel that African Americans were better off in the United States than they were in Africa so they do not deserve reparation. This is simply not true. In their homeland, they were free people, free to pursue their traditional lifestyle established centuries before. In America, they Were tortured, and forced to work countless hours without pay just so this country can be what it is today.Authors Anne Barrow, Joel Lang, and Jenifer Frank reported that Slaves became so depressed they had to be forced to exercise and sometimes even to eat (2005, pig. 107). In conclusion African Americans deserve reparation for what America did to them. First they deserve reparation because America was built by slavery. African Americans helped bulled this country in many ways. Secondly, they deserve reparation because of all the horrific experiences they had to endure. African American were enslaved and mistreated for hundreds of years in America. Lastly, they mistreated receive compensation.If one group receives reparation so should the other. The great late Martin Luther King stirred the hearts of Americans lack and white, with his hope for America. Like Martin Luther King have a dream. I have a dream that one day American will stand up and take responsibility for all the hundreds of years that millions of African Americans were slaughtered tortured and enslaved. I have a dream.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Answer the question - Essay Example It is therefore important that teachers embrace practical approach to learning through effective research to achieve the solutions to academic challenges and unjustified claims (Nell, 2011) Research findings are subject to temporal changes. This necessitates the construction of a paradigm in which temporal changes in scientific findings are factored into the initial findings to create coherence of knowledge (Nell, 2011).This provides teachers with an alternative to use other researches in the various fields with necessary shifts of paradigms to explicitly foster comprehensive understanding among learners. Essentially, no research proceeds without the influence of an initial course. Earlier researches provide basis to make inferences on current issues with necessary changes. Therefore, paradigms provide effective means through which coherence in research findings is attained without undue criticisms of the initial research. Scientific research is the fundamental driver of scientific progress, inventions, and innovations. It is important to create a smooth transition between research and its implementation. Research in itself is unable to cause the desired academic change without an effective implementation of the findings (Nell, 2011). Application of a theoretical claim in research is necessary whenever adequate research tools are made available. Research in essence provides a means through which theoretical knowledge finds justification. Human minds bear several unresolved doubts about the existence and changes in various aspects of life. It is therefore necessary that the perceptions of learners in a classroom set up be underscored by facts to justify the reality of such

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The role of SCADA in Distribution Management Systems Research Paper

The role of SCADA in Distribution Management Systems - Research Paper Example This paper entails an investigation of the role of SCADA in Distribution Management System (DMS) with regard to the way distribution companies are moving more and more to completely automate the supervision and control of substations. The Al Ain Distribution Company (AADC) has been known to be highly advanced in the area. Generally, effective distribution network operations give way to better management of power flow throughout a given network as well as optimal sources and loads utilization. DMS system is essential is essential in ensuring effectiveness of distribution system operations through the enhancement of routine monitoring of networks, location of faults and their restoration, as well as facilitating the planning of network requirements besides establishing the foundation for future initiatives. Organizations with SCADA are definitely understood as having computerized systems that allows whatever is happening in other locations outside the organizations to be managed without having to be physically present. Only distributed communication/signal is used. In many case, the automated system signals the central management on anything wrong or regarding any changes in the distant projects being controlled from a centralized location. It does this by utilizing its capacity and technological capability to control a large number of devices simultaneously. Most of the distribution systems and their respective utilities within organizations make use of information technology solutions through outage management systems (OMSs). The OMSs on the other hand use other systems such as Customer information System, Geographical Information System, and Interactive Voice Response Systems. OMSs make use of a network connectivity model or component of the existing distribution system. With the combination of the outage calls locations with the location knowledge of the control device on the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cox container case Essay Example for Free

Cox container case Essay Problem Identification: There are quite a good number of problems in the case of CCC, among of which one can define, are the following: 1- Job security for the ethnic minorities who run the workshop for years, while being empowered in the age of Harold Cox, they felt threatened by the introduction of the new management system, that was reflected by the defensive attitude of Aziz and his lack of cooperation which also can be the reaction of being marginalized by Wilson while conducting the company review. 2- Lack of managerial training, which was reflected on how Aziz perceives his job as a shop floor manager whose first and utmost concern, is to deliver production no matter what the outside environment is. 3- Market introduction of new competitors, which dictates the need of full review of the operations, budgeting, supply chain and labor competency. Hence introducing more bureaucracy to the current system and might limit the power of Aziz and his team. 4- The centralization and individuality of Harold Cox in running the company helped the creation of a divisionalized structure and culture as well as developing a high degree of autonomy in the production department and a shallow hierarchy especially in the financial and management accounting area. Analysis: The main reason why Cox asked Wilson to conduct a company review is to get the company moving forward, such an act could have been shared with department managers, despite Wilson’s conclusions, strategies must be compromises that allow the company to move forward (Johnson, 1992). Johnson also argued that Strategic drift takes many years to affect performance, which validates the happening of the falling results of CCC, such a performance made Cox ask Wilson to conduct the review. The resistance to change that Aziz showed can be explained via the framework of Herzberg (1987) at which he argued that job security, as part of the hygiene factors can be a source of job satisfaction and motivation. Despite belittling the effect of hygiene factors on the subject, he did not address such an issue â€Å"job security† on a minority member. Such a factor can be more important than others whether intrinsic or extrinsic since minority members would possess the feeling of fear of losing their jobs and being expelled by the society and not finding another job. Adding the job status of Aziz would add further complexities to the situation as well. The introduction of budgeting and operation optimization without consulting the shop floor manager while he represents the core business of the company could have affected his motivation. These new systems would influence the type of the work that can be done in the shop floor greatly and would change Aziz from a decision maker in his part with all the autonomy and credibility he has to just a regular employee that manages what the new system dictates. Such change would affect Aziz’s motivation to contribute to the new system as discussed by Leavitt (2007). Leavitt argues that the increased bureaucracy and the rigid system turns employees into machines performing the work without thinking, and that would be against the human nature that tends to think and innovate. He also argues that the introduction of IT systems and technologies would be harmful to humans in the work place especially if companies abuse them. He however managed to argue the point from the employee point of view without mentioning the companies perspective at which standardization and new technologies raises the efficiency and performance of the companies and can allocate resources to new departments or new functions. If Aziz were opting the same perspective as   without having the picture cleared that this new system (budgeting and operations review) would benefit him as well as the company, he would tend to resist that change. In the framework of Herzberg (1987), job participation is one of the important myths to job or task enrichment. He emphasizes that giving the employees the big picture and giving them a feeling that they will determine in some measure what they will do in the job; would not be beneficial to the job. Wilson, Straw, Long and Pedder managed to do exactly this part. It would be against Aziz’s benefit if he would resist correcting the situation of the company. He would seem wrong and would hurt himself and his career in CCC if he was explained the current situation and the competitive market condition and how is that affecting CCC and what are the measures needed in the next few weeks / years to correct the competitiveness of CCC. Aziz should have been offered the chance to contribute to the budgeting and even could have been appointed a task in suggesting the best production and budgeting scheme that would save the company time and money. Bassett-Jones Lloyed (2005) negated the approach of Herzberg and emphasized on the importance of employee’s contribution to the job in order to grant satisfaction. By seeing their ideas being implemented without delays and with the approval of the manager that this idea will contribute to the best of the company, the employee will have a sense of ownership and commitment towards making the idea work. Ford, Ford, DAmelio (2008) stated that the resistance to change can be the cause of the management’s actions themselves as they fail to develop trust. They failed to argue that in some cases, the employee(s) have their own agenda and they (employees) are the ones to trigger the resistance. The centralization of the decision making in CCC allowed the formation of a divisional company organization where Aziz’s team form the major part of it. Having this high autonomy formed a specific organization culture perhaps that Aziz is indispensible and hence he is in control. Such a culture would cause Aziz to be reluctant to accept changes specially after CCC lost some of its competitiveness in the market for few years and yet no complain from  Cox and/or the management. Meyers Martin (1987) suggest that as the organization structure form the organization’s culture and beliefs, so does the leaders of the company. It can be noticed that Cox influenced the idea that the minorities in his company are indispensible, since they support him politically and socially because of their existence in CCC. It can also be noticed that Cox did the interactions with Aziz and the production team on a personal level and hence when changes were mandatory, Aziz opposed it because it did not come from Cox himself and such resistance will not be punished by Cox. It also can be noticed the degree of autonomy in the company when the budgeting scheme is needed, each manager submitted an estimate of expenditure not the actual amount spent the year before or the required budget needed based on the previous year expenditure and the business forecast for next year. The shallow pyramid of hierarchy especially in the management accounting and financial can explain such autonomy. The creation of the subgroup and hence the subculture allowed the lobbying in the production department to happen and to resist any change as long as it is not in their direct favor. Such collectiveness behavior was developed by the centralization of decision making by Cox and the high degree of autonomy he allowed for such a group. In his study, Polzer (2004) has concluded that subgroups and subcultures in organizations tend to have harmful effect on collective welfare that extends beyond the boundaries of this individualistic subgroup. In CCC case, if the production department’s employees feel threatened; they can trigger actions to stop that threat, such as calling for a strike or threating to collectively resign and hence hurt the company by stopping the production. They are well aware that hiring such a large number of employees in a short time will be deemed impossible especially with all the experience they have. Even if the job has high degree of analyzability and does not require specialists to perform it. Moreover, collective resignation would hurt the image of the company and would cause business to be lost to competition even if it is on a temporarily basis. Perhaps what triggered that defensive mechanism with this subgroup is the introduction of the outsiders even if they were completely in a different  department. As proposed by Johnson (1992), introducing outsiders can help in managing the change since the outsider shall have a fresh view of the organization or the department that is undergoing the change. However, he did not mention how that would affect the change recipients themselves and how far would they accept the outsider. He also did not identify if the outsider came from inside the organization (i.e. internal transfer) or from outside the organization and what difference would that make. Alternatives: So, what would CCC management do to resolve the current situation? 1. Do Nothing. The benefits of calming down the current situation and the production department are to ensure the company is kept in operation. Although margins are dropping, the company is sill profitable. However, the disadvantages of this situation are more than its advantages. The operation department will tend to increase its power and influence on the company since now they felt powerful and indispensible, also, they might try to find another alternative or group together and establish another competing company and resign collectively which would put the company out of business. 2. Use a sacrifition sheep: Firing Aziz and the seniors in the production department and replacing them with other seniors from inside the department can be a solution to send a clear message to the rest of the crew that the change is happening regardless of the opposition. This can benefit CCC by establishing a clear strategy that the company is moving forward with the change and personnel have to choose. However, if it backfires, the company can lose too much and we can revert back to the scenario in solution No.1. 3. Driving changes smoothly and in the welfare of the production department: There is no doubt that political consideration has a major play in such situations and it can resolve lots of issues. By calling Aziz and the seniors in the department and explaining the change to them and how would introducing new budgeting system and/or new operation schemes would benefit the company as a whole and the department specifically; they would tend to comply with that change. Asking for their assistance would be a better solution than resisting the resistance. The situation can be transformed to the benefit of CCC if the production department personnel understand the current challenge and start to challenge the status quo themselves, knowing that what will be done will be reflected on their welfare. By adopting the DICE methodology explained by Sirkin Jackson (2005) to drive the changes as follow: I. Set the Duration of the transformation process with clear and concise milestones. Milestones keep goals tracked and in prospective, encouraging everyone to participate by some sort of recognition would help the process. II. Identify the required personnel and allocate tasks according to their capabilities and traits. That would keep the project Integrity intact and minimizes the risk of duration slippage and/or wrong interpretation of tasks and their requirements. III. Management participation and Commitment to the project as well as employees affected by the change. Management as well should demonstrate how these changes are going to change the welfare of employees and how committed they are to doing so. IV. It should be clarified that each and everyone concerned with this change process should be expected to exert an extra Effort until the transformation is completed. The managem ent should lead by example in this regard and make it clear that any extra effort exerted in this period shall be rewarded on both the long and short term. Recommendations: It is recommended to follow resolution No.3 above, since CCC is considered an SME not a corporate and since they are bound to the acceptance of the strongest department to change. Moreover, this resolution addressed the concerns discussed in the study above which mainly are the job security, motivation, job enrichment of the employees while helping in changing the company culture on the long run by getting the employees to exert extra effort and see their ideas come to live, that would develop a sense of belonging to the company which will benefit the company on the long run. Also, that approach would strengthen the concept that the company is willing to accommodate their employees and work out the changes with them for the best interest of both parties. Plan of actions: Harold Cox, Erica Wilson along with all the company seniors should demonstrate participation and ownership of the change process. It was not a  good idea to leave the interaction being led by the new appointee(s) considering the company culture. The involvement of the top management whose faces are familiar with the production team would ease the effect of the change and indicate that the change are being driven from within not that the outsiders are taking over the company. Depending on the change required; the process duration should be set. Would the management desire only a cost control and lean operations concepts to be implemented or they would require production enhancements by increasing the throughput of the company? Would they procure new technology, which would require training, installation and production scheme change? Would they introduce differentiation either horizontally or vertically to the current products? The easiest change to start with is to introduce cost control and operation optimization associated with achieving the minimum efficient scale of the factory and then drives another change. Driving a major change at once would again be resisted. Mainly the production department would be affected, other departments too, such as financial and management accounting. The latters would be expected to drive the major portion of cost control through supply chain optimization. Introducing operations management department would also help enhancing the operations of the whole company and helping the company to slim the inefficient operations in all departments. It would be expected that some side effects such as additional expenses would follow as sort of rewards to the contributors in the change process to encourage the participation. Also, production lag would occur until the change process is finalized, that could be due to shop floor adjustments or personnel getting accustomed to the new change in the production process, hence, it would be a good idea if the company could produce some reserve capacity to cover this aspect. Bibliography Bassett-Jones, N., Lloyed, G. C. (2005). Does Herzbergs motivation theory have staying power? Journal of management development , 24 (10). Ford, J. D., Ford, L. W., DAmelio, A. (2008). Resistance t change: The rest of the story. The academey of management review , 33 (2), 362-377. Herzberg, F. (1987, September). One more time: How do you motivate employees? Harvard Business Review . Johnson, G. (1992). Managing strategic change strategy, culture and action. Long Range Planning , 25 (1), 28-36. Leavitt, H. J. (2007). Big organizations are unhealthy environment for human beings. Academy of management learning education , 6 (2), 253-263. Meyers, D., Martin, J. (1987). CULTURAL CHANGE: AN INTEGRATION OF THREE DIFFERENT VIEWS. journal of Management Studies , 24 (6), 623-647. Polzer, J. T. (2004). How Subgroup Interests and Reputations Moderate the Effect of Organizational Identification on Cooperation . Journal of Management , 30, 71-96. Sirkin, H. L., Jackson, A. (2005, October). The hard side of change management. Harvard Business Review , 33-47.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

pollock :: essays research papers

Pollock also became very interested in nature. Jackson Pollock only studied under Thomas Hart Benton for about two year but they remained friends until Jackson’s early death. The mid 1930’s were a bit of a hard time for Pollock. He had a hard time finding a job because America was in the middle of the Great Depression. In 1935 Jackson Pollock joined the Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration. He, along with five thousand other artists were hired at one time or another by the project to paint murals in public buildings to make art part of everyday American life. The influence for this was the Mexicans mural program, which â€Å"hired artists for workmen’s wages† (Cernuschi, 29). The primary Mexican muralists were Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, and David Alfara Siqueiros. Pollock had been interested in Orozco’s work since the 1930’s and in 1936 he took a course called A Laboratory of Modern Techniques in Art with Siqueiros. Jackson explored powerful expressionism through experimentation of different techniques in this class. They painted in large scale, used poured, drip, and splatter techniques and Siqueiros taught them about Futurism and how to paint using emotional impulses. Futurists believed that you must not only move the spectator physically but you must also move them emotionally. The style of the Mexican Muralists Orozco and Siqueiros influenced Jackson’s technique in later paintings such as Bald Woman with Skeleton, which he painted in 1938. In 1937 Jackson met artist-critic John Graham after writing him a letter requesting they meet. Graham had become a great influence to Pollock after he wrote an article titled Primitive Art and Picasso. Graham stated in the article that, â€Å"an evocative art is the means and the result of getting in touch with the powers of out unconscious† (Fineberg, 88). Graham believed that â€Å"the unconscious mind provided essential knowledge and creative powers for the artist† (Fineberg, 88). Pollock had become very interested in inner content of paintings rather then figurative content, which was also known as Surrealism. Picasso and Miro were the most popular Surrealists of this time and Pollock’s work began to move away from the ideas of Benton and the Muralists and began to reflect their style.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Competition in the Uk Ice Cream Market

Competition in the UK Ice Cream Market SYNOPSIS The UK ice cream market has undergone something of a transformation over the last fifteen years. It used to be dominated by Wall’s Ice Cream and Lyons Maid, and was perceived to be a mature and relatively dull market. Substantial changes to the market have occurred as a result of broad environmental changes, and the entry of new competition. A demographic shift (fewer children) left ice cream marketers searching for new growth segments; they responded by developing premium products targeted at adult consumers.The market grew faster in value terms than in volume terms as the unit price increased. However, aggressive new competition, from Mars in particular, has brought about the demise of Lyons Maid and caused a substantial strategic rethink at Wall’s. Wall’s has tried to maintain its position in the impulse market by preventing retailers from stocking other companies’ products in the freezer cabinets that are supplied by Wall’s. Mars has challenged this policy on legal grounds, arguing that it is anti-competitive. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Rejuvenation of an industry, and a product, which was perceived to be mature and stable – Marketers facing an environmental challenge respond by identifying and developing new market opportunities – New entry competition radically alters the rules of the competitive game – Brand extension by confectionery manufacturers, taking much-loved confectionery products and converting them into successful ice cream brands – Legal and regulatory action can form a key part of a marketing strategy designed to undermine the position of a key rival Application of simple breakeven analysis to a marketing problem. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The case study contains examples of strategic marketing. List as many examples as you can find of this type of decision. 2. Imagine that you are a strategic analyst working for Nestle SA in Switzerland . You have been asked to prepare a brief summary of competitive conditions in the UK ice cream market for the next board meeting. 3. Suppose that one board director has argued that Nestle should sell its ice cream interest in the UK and withdraw from the market. That’s one strategic option.What other options does Nestle have, and how do they compare with a strategic withdrawal? SUGGESTED ANSWERS 1. A very wide range of strategic marketing decisions is mentioned in the case study. Examples include:  ¦ New product development and brand extension decisions by Mars  ¦ Product line and brand extension decisions by all major competitors  ¦ Extensive market segmentation, targeting and positioning by all competitors  ¦ Response to changing consumer tastes and changing demographic conditions (for example development of premium and super-premium products targeted at adults, with consequent repositioning required) Withdrawal of the Lyons Maid brand and replacement with the Nestl e brand  ¦ Response to changing competitive conditions, for example Bird’s Eye Walls response to new entry competition from Mars. 2. Nestle has lost market share in the UK, and is firmly in the number three position behind Bird’s Eye Walls and Mars. The overall UK market showed 5. 6 per cent volume growth from 1994 to 1998, but only 3. 3 per cent value growth. Hence the unit value of ice cream products declined during this period, indicating a high degree of competition.Both Bird’s Eye Walls and Mars have demonstrated considerable commitment to the UK market, in terms of brand building, product development, investment in distribution channels and so on. Therefore Nestle holds a minority share in a relatively slow-growing market, in which two well-entrenched competitive rivals seem determined to defend or enhance their own positions within the market. This situation is made rather worse by the fact that Nestle has done particularly badly (lost greatest market s hare) in the impulse sector, which is the sector with the highest profit margins, in which branded products are most successful.It is worth noting that the Bird’s Eye Walls parent company, Unilever, uses acquisition as a component of its corporate strategy. The freezer cabinet dispute is worthy of mention as a component of competitive conditions, since it gives Bird’s Eye Walls preferential access to a large number of outlets for impulse ice cream. 3. For this question we would recommend that students are encouraged to identify two or three alternatives to the ‘strategic withdrawal’ option, and that lists of pros and cons for each option should be drawn up before a recommendation is made for the preferred strategy.An aggressive assault on the UK market in order to win market share from the rivals is clearly an option that should be considered. This would probably involve further new product development, repositioning, supported by extensive spending on adv ertising and promotions. Broadly speaking, a full frontal assault on a well-entrenched competitor with no obvious major weaknesses is deemed unlikely to succeed – but the option should be considered. It would probably make more sense to adopt a differentiation focus strategy, that is, to identify a segment of the market in which Nestle can offer some meaningful differentiation to customers.The obvious segment in which Nestle has a potential advantage is the children’s segment, where it has a number of valuable brands with child appeal. Both of the major rivals have powerfully entrenched brands aimed at the adult market, but slightly less powerful children’s brands. However, one would have to assess the likely profitability of a strategy targeted at children, noting in passing the adverse demographics. Nevertheless, there is evidence both that children personally have growing spending power, and that they have increasing influence on parental spending patterns (s o called ‘pester power’).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Linda Hogan

What adjectives does Linda Hogan use to describe her personality as a child in Oklahoma? 2. Does L. H. believe that she is a traditionally-minded Native woman? 3. In para 8, does L. H. state she thinks the view of the constellations is the same for the Western world as it is in the American Indian tradition? 4. 4. After rereading para 9, name the three types of writing L. H. says she does. 5. In para 12, what are the two choices for L.H. ’s main character in her novel Power? What is the main character’s name? 6. What endangered animal did a Seminole man kill in the controversial case that L. H. researched for an article she was writing? 7. What animal does L. H. write about in her poem â€Å"Affinity: Mustang†? What words describe the animal? 8. In the final para, according to L. H. , why does she write? What is her motivation for writing? TASK 2 Go beyond the text 1. L. H. riting often acknowledges traditional Native American values such as respecting the intell igence of the elders. What are some other traditional values she writes about? What are some traditional values you hold? Are your values similar to or different from the traditional values that L. H. cherishes? 2. L. H. discusses her views on the understanding of the cosmos and how the constellations have a meaning for her that is different from the traditional Western meaning.What might be some reasons for these different meanings? Do the skies and constellations have any meaning to you or to other people you know? If so, discuss this meaning and explain its importance. 3. L. H. ‘ s novel Power describes a character who must choose between two ways of life: the American world and the culture of her elders who live in their community with their own traditions.Have you or someone you know ever had to make a choice between two worlds, two ways of thinking, or two ways of conducting your life? Discuss the difficulties in making such a decision and the consequences of the choice you made. 4. In the first several paras of her essay, L. H. writes about how she grew, as a tree grows, into â€Å"a traditionally-minded Native woman† and a writer. What experiences helped her grow? In what ways have you connected your identity? What people and experiences have influenced you?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essays

Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essays Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essay Network Consultation Proposal Essay Essay Essay Topic: Equus DesignIT is a in writing humanistic disciplines company that is spread outing concern and has late purchased a new edifice 56’*36’ infinite for the intent of lodging two full clip interior decorators and a receptionist. The new edifice has four cells. one office. one waiter room. one response desk. and a conference room. DesignIT has already relocated one Web Server ( Microsoft IIS Server ) . one File Server ( Microsoft Server 2008 ) . and one more Waiter 2008 ( Small Business Server ) . As a web design adviser. I have been charged with the undertaking of planing and configuring the web for DesignIT. The little company has informed me that the web should include six computing machines. three pressmans. a Firewall. a radio web for portable devices. and a high velocity cyberspace connexion. DesignIT has besides requested me that all the interrelated devices and wiring. along with the velocity should be able to offer the best public presentation. I will plan a Local Area N etwork ( LAN ) for DesignIT. a Local Area Network ( LAN ) is a web of computing machines. and other web devices such as pressmans which exchange informations. and are located under one roof. LAN webs are largely used in little organisations or little concerns. The computing machines in a LAN communicate through protocols and portion informations such as files and electronic mails. Every computing machine in a web is assigned a alone Internet Protocol ( IP ) . When a computing machine communicates by directing a petition to the LAN web. it is routed to a peculiar waiter that has the requested information. The waiter so communicates back to the IP reference of bespeaking computing machine with the information that was requested ( Kenyon. 2002 ) . There are three waiters for DesignIT. the Web Server will be used to link the company to the cyberspace. and the File Server will be utilized for sharing while the Small Business Server will be utilized as a Mail Server. Since DesignIT needs a web that incorporates six computing machines. three pressmans. and a radio web. the web design should therefore take several factors into consideration. These factors will impact on the web costs. velocity. substructure. and functionality. When planing this Local Area Network ( LAN ) for DesignIT. there is besides need to see the web demands. The web should incorporate sound. picture. synchronal. every bit good as asynchronous informations. When planing the LAN web. the organisational ends of DesignIT should be factored in the LAN design. I will besides pay attending to web throughput. line charges. security. and the integrating of newer engineerings in the hereafter. When planing a LAN web. some issues must be considered. one of these issues is the organization’s short. medium. and long term ends. Several factors to be considered include the web equipment. user applications. end-user equipment ( workstations ) . and connectivity to the cyberspace. The LAN web for DesignIT will include other web devices which include gateways. routers. firewall. and overseas telegrams. Without these devices communicating can non be possible from a computing machine to another in the LAN web. A router and switch are the most of import devices of a web. Networks which are good configured and have a good substructure are helpful in be ttering manageableness. public presentation. dependability and cut downing overall operating cost ( Kenyon. 2002 ) . To put up this LAN web for the DesignIT. the following are the hardware and package devices that I would use so as to plan the LAN web for DesignIT. T1 Lines- This is a criterion for informations communicating which was foremost developed in the sixtiess. T1 lines offer a information rate of 1. 544Mbps. I will use T1 nexus from Verizon to link DesignIT to the cyberspace. T1 lines are offer private voice and dependable informations networking. A T1 line typically costs $ 1000 per month. Cisco Linksys Firewall- A firewall is a package or hardware web device that controls incoming and surpassing informations communicating through analysing informations packages and giving permissions whether to let or non based on a set of regulations. A firewall may besides include a default gateway or a placeholder waiter which helps to do web petition on the behalf of a user. I will use Cisco-Linksys BEFSX41 EtherFast Cable/DSL Firewall Router ( 4-Port 10/100 Switch / VPN Endpoint ) for this web. The device costs $ 150. LAN Switch- A LAN Switch performs the same work as a hub except that. a switch does non broadcast packages to every computing machine in the web like hubs. All the computing machines and computing machine devices will be connected to the switch by Ethernet overseas telegrams. The LAN Switch costs $ 150. Linksys Wireless Router- A router is a web device that is used to link two or more computing machine devices in a web. The Linksys Wireless router will be utilized to link wireless devices the LAN web. The Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router that I will utilize in this instance costs $ 150. Ethernet Cables- Ethernet Cables will be utilized to link all the web devices in the DesignIT LAN web. They will link routers. switches. computing machines. and pressmans in the LAN web. I will use CAT5 Ethernet Cables for this web. The Ethernet overseas telegrams will be about $ 100 for DesignIT LAN web. ESET NOD32 Antivirus- an Antivirus is package that is used to forestall. observe. and take malicious computing machine plans. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is a good pick since it besides acts against other types of malware such as worm. Trojan Equus caballuss. back doors. and spyware. The ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 that I will use for this web costs $ 40 for subscription of one twelvemonth. The edifice will portion one cyberspace connexion ( T-1 nexus from Verizon ) . This connexion will come to Web Server in the waiter room. This will be the entree point of the LAN web of DesignIT. The T-1 nexus from Verizon will link the company to the cyberspace and can besides be utilized to link the LAN web to another LAN or WAN web in instance the company decides to spread out concern in future. The T-1 nexus utilizes frame relay which will supply the edifice with high velocity informations connexion between and among all users. This connexion will besides enable all computing machines to have dedicated connexion at a velocity that every computing machine requires. This connexion will besides be low-cost for DesignIT since it is merely charged for the resources. It costs an norm of $ 1000 per month. Frame relay is an industry criterion engineering for accessing fast package switched. â€Å"cloud computing† informations webs ( Bates. 2000 ) . Through T1 link DesignIT will utilize frame relay as an interface between informations terminal equipment such as routers. switches. and host machines such as waiters. This engineering will supply connectivity via logical channels or lasting practical circuit connexions which will be deployed over dedicated entree installations and shared on a high public presentation exchanging platform. This shared informations platform and anchor makes transport more efficient. such that allusers will have better web throughput which is besides cost effectual. T-1 nexus engineering is an added advantage for DesignIT LAN web since it is flexible to utilize and an first-class platform for many application. Since multiple practical connexions are established over one physical entree line. Frame Relay can cut down the figure of client premises router p orts necessary for LAN applications. The figure of private lines required to achieve mesh connectivity and dependability can besides be reduced. Frame Relay handles terminal to-host. LAN-to-LAN connexions. or applications like imaging. electronic mail and in writing file transportations with equal simpleness. With all of these capablenesss. Frame Relay is an first-class pick for DesignIT. I will configure a Class C web for DesignIT with an IP of 192. 168. 0. 0/16. There will merely be one subnet for this web. I have selected a Class C web because it exhibits the ability to battle spamming of sites located on the same waiter. Search engines have removed associating power from one site to the other in instance they are on the same category C IP. I will take web security steps so as to implement the best security for DesignIT. The security will be designed in respect to the user group in inquiry. this means that the two interior decorators will portion different user groups with the receptionist if need be. I will implement entree control measures such as entree logs so as to pull off what each user should hold entree to in resp ect to the organisational policies and processs. I will besides put in ESET NOD32 Antivirus in the Small Business Server. The Cisco Linksys Firewall will besides be a cardinal device for heightening security ; it will command entrance and surpassing informations communicating through analysing informations packages and giving permissions based on security regulations. The Bus Topology is the best suited for this web ; the coach topology is the simplest web topology. Besides known as additive coach. in this topology all computing machines will be connected to a immediate overseas telegram or a overseas telegram joined together to do it immediate. Ethernet is the common illustration of a coach topology. Each computing machine determines when the web is non busy and transmits informations as needed. Computers devices in a coach apology listen merely for transmittal from other computing machines ; they do non reiterate or send on the transmittal on the other computing machines. It is besides deserving observing that the signal in a coach topology travels to both terminals of the overseas telegram. To maintain the signal from resiling back and Forth along the overseas telegram. both terminals of the overseas telegram in a coach topology will be terminated.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Team Empowerment Through Effective Communication Case Study

Team Empowerment Through Effective Communication - Case Study Example With this type of set-up that allow creative and innovative juices to flow through the constant sharing of information, people could appropriate division of labor among the members of the team can lead to the more effective, more efficient and less stressful workplace. Their high levels of performance with regards to quantity, quality, and timeliness of work results can contribute to their sense of satisfaction, addressing a psychological and motivational need. With incessant exposure to each other, team members and their superiors could ascertain whether they have a team that can continue working together with synergy or their togetherness poses a detrimental effect on their output and interrelationships. This is why effective communication is very crucial in a group or a team. Lack of communication could sometimes produce unfavorable working environments. For example, Susan had worked in supply-chain management of a certain company for three years. She enjoyed her work in large part because her boss, Tim McGuire, was a great guy to work for. Then Tim got promoted six months ago and Chuck Benson took his place. Susan says her job is a lot more frustrating now. "Tim and I were on the same wavelength. It's not that way with Chuck. He tells me something and I do it. Then he tells me I did it wrong. I think he means one thing but says something else. It's been like this since the day he arrived.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Affordable Care Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Affordable Care Act - Essay Example The Medicare and Medicaid programs were enacted under, president Johnsons administration, in 1965. Medicare provides health care services for people above the age of 65 years, those with disabilities and those suffering from terminal illness2. On the other hand, Medicaid is funded by the state government to necessitate the provision of medical services to low income earners. In the history of the United States, efforts to implement universal health care policy have been stalled by both political factors from 1912 until the achievement of an Affordable Security Act that is aimed at providing affordable care to low income earners. Medicare and Medicaid programs have their roots in medical programs introduced in Germany and Britain in 1883 and 1911 respectively3. In 1916, the American Association of Labor Legislation organized a movement in an effort to enact a compulsory health insurance policy for all workers. The objective of the program was to cover for medical bills for sick worker s as well as take care of cash compensations4. Upon the defeat of Theodore Roosevelt who was in support of the health card reforms in 1912, the decentralized government and American Medical Association opposition pushed the rejection of the bill5. The bill was defeated in different states under the argument it had costly social consequences and that Americans had efficient medical cover from their own savings and private insurers. Following several publications on the high cost of health care between the 1920s and 1930, and seeing the need for a national insurance program, president Franklin Roosevelt incorporated a national health program in the Social Security law in 1935. The program was developed during the period of great depression because poverty levels among the citizens was more than 50%. The aim of the Act was to alleviate the difficulties faced by Americans namely: old age, unemployment, poverty and orphans6. President Harry Truman endorsed the enactment of a National Hea lth Care program in 1946. However, the issue was discussed and failed because of opposition from private insurance companies and a strong opposition by the congress. In 1951, most people in the United States were enrolled in the private insurance companies and used the coverage for their health care needs7. To garner support for the federal health care bill, its policies were addressed to meet the needs of the elderly because they were the high risk population and in some way were derailing the profitability of the private sector8. The private insurers felt that insuring the elderly population was not as profitable as insuring the young generation. Moreover, the elderly felt that the government proposition was much better and beneficial to them. However, there were strong opposition from private insurers and the post war climate was not good enough to support social reforms in the country. The Kerr-Mills bill was adopted and enacted in different states in 1960 to enable the governme nt to channel funds towards helping the elderly who were considered needy according to the state evaluations. However, the bill could not cater to all the health care needs of the elderly and as a result president Kennedy initiated the creation of the Medicare bill. The bill was meant to cover for the health care costs of the elderly but because of a lack of support by the congress and economic recession, enactment of the bill was postponed9. In 1964, president Johnson prioritized the need for health care reforms and following the increase in medical expenses and economic recession, the bill received overwhelming support from the public10. Congress came up with three options to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

E&P overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E&P overview - Essay Example The Liquefied Natural Gas is slated to deliver in two phases, Train 1 and Train 2 to be completed in 2007 and 2009. The former will supply LNG to America and the latter to Asia for next 25 years. Apart from making Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil major producers of LNG, The project will also strengthen the position of Qatar State in the LNG market. By the decade’s end Qatar’s LNG exports will exceed 77 Mta. The offshore development of construction and installation of two wellhead platforms and two offshore pipelines for the required gas feedstock is being carried out by J. Ray McDermott Middle East. A Joint Venture between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil, Barzan Project will yield will yield about 1.5 billion cubic feet per day of domestic gas to be supplied for infrastructural and industrial projects of the State of Qatar. The project for Appraisal, Development and Production Sharing Agreement (ADPSA) signed between Qatar and ONGC Videsh Ltd, with latter as the operator of Najwat Najwat Oil Structure. ADPSA ranges for a period of 20 years with initial two years dedicated to Appraisal and rest for development. Appraisal phase includes reprocessing of 200 sq km of seismic data, and drilling of two appraisal wells, which started in 2007. According to a latest news report ONGC Videsh Ltd has found oil in the Najwat Najem block. According to Kurdish Regional Government that the oil reserves if northern Iraq are exploited, it can lead to increase in oil production of Iraq from 2 million barrels per day to 8 million barrels a day. A Joint Venture between company with an investment of US $2 Billion gas exports to Oman and includes setting up of 500 Km of gas pipeline. The pipeline will transfer one billion cubic feet of gas per day to Oman. Oilex is recommending to Joint Venture participants and the Omani regulatory authorities that 7 inch casing be run and a production testing program carried out over the primary and secondary objectives

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Strategic Management Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategic Management Planning - Essay Example Their number of customers is accruing on a steady basis. Despite of all this there are certain serious issues which need to be taken into consideration for the company to achieve success in all the areas. After reviewing the whole company through the process of Porter's analysis, SWOT analysis, financial analysis and Mckinsey analysis I have gathered certain issues, which if handled the company can do hundred times better then their current output. Those customers who could not pay for their repaired motors used to leave their motors with the company. The company can facilitate them in the form of paying their amounts through installments. Here the company would not have to worry about the untaken cars but just would have to keep track of the installment payments. This would leave extra space within the workshop. No doubts that the company has UL certification, but the awareness of ISO certification is making the customers more conscious as to where to buy the service. Having the ISO certification would help us also cater those customers who are ISO conscious for the quality provided. The company is not giving any salary appraisal automatically. In order to motivate their staff and maximize the output, the company should pay its employees in the form of piece rate. Here the staff would be paid some base pay as well as extra pay on each motor that they have helped in repairing. 7. Finance The company is in dire need of accountants. A lot of stuff is being done on the basis of historical data, which would be unhealthy in the long run. 8. Research and Development Do research on electric motors to be used in water industry as the analysis shows that there would soon be changes being made in the water industry. 9. Innovation Be innovative and creative in manufacturing sophisticated devices. 10. Research There have been unknown reasons for winding failures. Why not hire some skilled workers to research on this problem. A solution to it would be a lottery for the company. 11. Customized Control Panels Brithinee has a competitive advantage over making customized control panels. Why not advertise our capabilities to let the untapped market know of our skills. 12. Research The company is losing quite amount of money due to its gas emissions. There is always a solution to cut down costs. Find out ways as to how to reduce these harmful emissions. Look for what other repair shops are using. 13. Customer Site Find solutions for catering the customers at their own site. The more we expand our services the more

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Effects of Immigration on Children and Families

The Effects of Immigration on Children and Families Introduction Illegal immigration is a very controversial issue within our society. There are families within our society that are made up of parents that are here illegally but have children who are born here and are citizens. But it is these citizens that are what I am referring to as the incomplete citizens. Who are these incomplete citizens and why are they being impacted by our society? Are there different stipulations for these children that are born to these undocumented families? Do they really receive the same rights as those born to U.S. citizens? Our societies including our politicians have different opinions about illegal immigration. Immigration reform negatively affects those children that are born to undocumented parents. They find themselves facing adversities that had the situation been different would never have to face. Working in an elementary school I have seen first-hand how those children are affected as a result of their parents legal status. My purpose in this research is to show the emotional, educational, and financial effects that are inflicted on the undocumented families. This is a problem that is not going to be resolved overnight but rather this is a problem that is going to need help from the various disciplines. With this research more information will be found to present how children are affected through the different disciplines and how these disciplines integrate and can have a more insightful understanding of the issues at hand. The four disciplines that I will focus on will by  communication, government, business and psychology. It is through these varied disciplines that I will show how these children are living their lives as incomplete citizens. The current ruling passed by Farmers Branch is a prime example of how the undocumented families have to make difficult decisions. Communication Through the lens of communication we see how culture, the media and our society affects the way how these children are viewed. Culture has negative and positive effects on these children. By doing some research I saw how various groups and organizations have different perspectives regarding undocumented families and there U.S. born children. Our society is divided by the issue. Some think that since those children are already here they should be included in the view that they are our future. They should be accepted and receive the benefits of all American born citizens. On the other hand, there are others in our society that think that these children are a burden. They believe that those specific children should not receive the same benefit that a United States citizen receives because of their parents illegal status. In addition, the media at times has a negative impact on these children. It is traumatic to see or hear through the various channels of communication how these families are being torn apart, separated and punished and even at times being labelled as criminals because they do not have the proper documentation. These children are faced with the real possibility that at any moment those same types of situations can easily happen to them. It is these kinds of circumstances that can affect the childrens wellbeing. The common view among these undocumented families is that they came here to have a chance at a better future. They do not view themselves as criminals, but rather as people that are willing to work hard to provide their family with a better existence. â€Å"It says especially to Congress that were tired of the out-of –control illegal Immigration problem. That if Congress doesnt do something about it cities will, said Tim OHare a City Council member who was the ordinances lead proponent (Anti-Illegal Immigrant Law, 2007). It is people like Mr. Tim OHare, a city council for Framers Branch and other groups that force illegal immigrants to make hard decision that will affect them and their families. These people get the attention from the media to address and show how illegal immigrants are a problem in our society. Government Government is another disciple that has a great deal to with how the children of undocumented families are affected. According to Repko, â€Å"political science is the study of power (raw and constrained) and influence in government, political processes, institutions, and relationship involving rule and authority.† (Repko, 2005. pg. 58). Government has created laws, regulations, reforms and acts that affect the undocumented parents on day to day basis. For example, The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 states that it is illegal to hire an undocumented person. This makes it difficult for the family member to obtain a steady job which in many cases causes a financial burden to the family. On the other hand, we have the 14th  Amendment that gives the right to any child born in the United States soil to have the right to be a citizen regardless of their parent legal status. These are some examples of how government has imposed themselves on illegal immigrants. I view this as an historic opportunity for Congress to act, for Congress to replace a system that is not working with one that we believe will work a lot better. In other words, this is a moment for people who have been elected to come together, focus on a problem, and show the American people that we can work together to fix the problem.† President George W. Bush (The White House, 2007) This is a statement by the Press Secretary on Comprehensive Immigration reform. President George W. Bush says that illegal immigration is a problem that needs a solution. Not only is our society divided with this issue, but we see the political debates that follow regarding illegal immigration. In order to reduce all of the confusion and the political debates about illegal immigration we need the government to have a better and clear understanding of who is really considered a U. S. citizen and what their rights really are. Business Another discipline that integrates into this topic is business. This approach has been affected from an economics point of view. In Repkos textbook of economic concept that deal with illegal immigration is opportunity, cost and unemployment. In addition, the epistemology of the economics is how the math configuration is presented. (Repko, 2005. pg. 58). Illegal immigration not only affects the economy of the United States but the parents home country as well. For example if these illegal immigrants are having trouble obtaining a job to support their families they do not send any money to their home countries. In addition if these parents are deported to Mexico and if their children stay in the United States, this is a cost that society will be forced to cover. For example, these children will qualify for federal programs like CHIP, Medicare, food stamps and other governmental programs that these children are entitled to. How much and who is paying for this benefit that a parent would cover it they were here with their children. In additional, are the illegal parents helping the economy or making it worse for everybody else. Some of these illegal parents are not paying their taxes that they should pay. On the other hand there are people that are here illegally that pay taxes and do not receive the benefits. Due to these kinds of situations is what at times helps to divide society even more. Society is then forced to think of the financial backlash of having the undocumented family members deported or come up with sanctions or pardons that would allow them to stay in this country and contribute rather than be a burden. Psychology In the psychology approach we see how these children are affected emotionally, mentally and sociologically by having an illegal parent. As stated in Repkos textbook, â€Å"The epistemology of psychology is that psychological constructs and their interrelationships can inferred through discussion and observation and applied to treatment (clinical) or a series of experiments with slight variation (experimental).† (Repko, 2005. pg.60). When children are growing they are already faced with many changes not to mention all the hurdles that they deal with, but to add the additional stress of having to deal with the possibility that their family may be torn apart because of their parents status is traumatic. Imagine not having your mother or father with you during your childhood because one of them was deported. This creates a very emotional and sociological imbalance in their lives. How will the child deal with this problem? The childs education may also be jeopardized by having to move locations due to laws or acts that are taking place in todays society. One example is Farmers Branch, Texas where the city council passed an ordinance that stated that illegal immigrants were not allowed to rent apartments. As a result the parent will be forced to make a decision of moving or to stay and take their chances of being deported. In other situations, where the parent was deported to their home country the child may have been forced to live with another family member or return with their parents. In this situation a parent has to make the difficult decision of taking the children to their home country or leaving them behind to have a better opportunity of life. If this child is taken to their home country would he or she have the opportunity to have an education? What quality of education will this child have in another country even though this child is American citizen? They may not be able to finish school because they may have to financially support the family. Also, this child may not have the support to have a college education due to the financial burden that the family is going through. These are some of the situations that a child has to think about when having an illegal parent. Conclusion Through this research that we can see that illegal immigration is a problem that needs an Interdisciplinary approach to better understand it. This is a problem that has our society and government divided on how it should be handled and how it is going to find a better solution to solve this problem. This problem affects different disciplines in different ways but with this research more information will be found to present how children are affected through the different disciplines and how each discipline can stand alone but at the same time they integrate with each other to have a better understanding of the issue. How much of this childs life is different from other children as a result of having a parent that is an illegal? Do these incomplete citizens have the right to stay in the United States if they were born here but their parents are not here legally? This is a problem that needs the different approaches of the different disciplines to come up with a more beneficial solution for the children that are caught in the middle of this problem. It is through communication that we see how this issue is viewed and understood in our society. What policies and laws are in place to deal with this issue? Are they working and where is improvement needed? Through psychology we are able to see how a child is affected emotionally, mentally, and sociologically by having an illegal parent. Communication, government, business and psychology are needed to find the common ground for this problem and to find a better understanding of how childrens lives are being affected by having an illegal parent. More initiatives to help these children that are affected may help. Having a more solid understanding of the right of a citizen but born to illegal parents can help the four disciplines address the problem. By my research I hope to see how the four disciplines integrate within each other to have better perspective of this problem and to see what the incomplete citizens have been facing for years and are still facing in our society by having an illegal parent. Background Illegal immigration has been an issue of discussion from the local to the national level in the United States for many years and more so in the present. Immigration affects not only the immigrant and his family but also society as a whole. Even the political candidates that are in the running for president address the subject with caution. Society and politics have different perspectives regarding illegal immigration. Immigration laws and policies have made it difficult for families of illegal parents to support their children that are citizens of the United States. The Webster Dictionary defines immigrate to enter a country to settle (Kidney, 1992). Many people have come to the United States from different countries and for a variety of reasons, ranging from religious to political to economic circumstances. Each wave of newcomers that have arrived in this â€Å"New World† has faced many obstacles. It is difficult to go back in history to a time in which any new wave of people was received with open arms. On the contrary, these new arrivals were often shunned, abused and seen as unskilled workers. Immigration to the United States must be seen from a historical lens to understand its complexities. Immigration has had its roots since the birth of the United States beginning with the Africans and continuing to the present times. After the 1600s, the Africans were shipped to the colonies to serve the plantation owners, resulting in the institution of slavery. The white servant worked for a period of time, and most importantly became free and equal after completing his term. However, society considered the black slave and his family and children as property for life which made the white servant move to the north to have an opportunity to be a free landowner. Thus, a greater demand increased for black slaves in the southern colonies. As a consequence, the slave trade increased tremendously during the 1700s, resulting in an innumerable mass of African slaves shipped to the colonies. â€Å"The unique but unmistakably tragic migration of these people had ‘planted the seeds of a difficulty that would permanently mark the nation.† (Handlin, 1972). (Immigration, n.d.). The Germans fled from their homeland due to violent conditions and immigrated to the United States in the early 1700s. Another wave of German immigrants came to the United States after the 1800s. At this particular time, they left their homeland due to population growth, and the fact that modernization negatively impacted family businesses. Ironically, modernization improved the means of transportation with the steam boat and steam train which conveniently assisted the Germans to immigrate to the United States (Immigration, n.d.). The Chinese immigrated to the United States in the 1700s due to the California Gold Rush. The first wave of Chinese immigrants was well received by the Americans because of their qualities of dependability and diligence. However, the pouring of unskilled Chinese labourers in the mid 1800s changed the Americans attitude from one of acceptance to one of negativity and hostility. The Naturalization Act of 1870 and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 restricted Chinese immigration to the United States. â€Å"The Naturalization Act of 1870 restricted all immigration into the U.S. to only ‘white persons and persons of African descent, meaning that all Chinese were placed in a different category, a category that placed them as ineligible for citizenship from that time till 1943.† (Immigration, n.d.). Despite the laws, the Chinese population in the United States increased and reached its peak in 1890 with 107,488 people (Immigration, n.d.). The Irish immigrated to the United States since the 1820s due to religious and political circumstances. A mass of Irish immigrants poured into the United States due to the devastating effects of the great potato rot in 1845. Starving families had no other alternative but to leave their homeland in order to have a better quality of life. The flow of Irish immigrants continued to grow, and many settled in established Irish communities to retain their religion, culture, and customs. The Italians immigrated to the United States in the mid-1800s and demonstrated their diligence by working in a variety of jobs ranging from sewer cleaning to dangerous jobs that others refused to work (Immigration, n.d.). The Japanese immigrated to the United States in the late 1800s due to economys effect on modernization which resulted in bankruptcies and unemployment. The Japanese immigrants experienced many similarities as the Chinese immigrants. The Japanese immigrants were unskilled labourers and became more successful which the American society resented. Consequently, laws were passed to prevent Japanese immigrants to advance onto the next step of the status ladder. The advancement and competition compounded with Japans attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941 added to the hostility towards the Japanese immigrants (Immigration, n.d.). Due to the influx of immigrants from numerous countries, â€Å"the House Committee of Immigration chose Ellis Island as the site for a new immigrant screening station in 1890.† (Ellis Island) Extensive screening took place at Ellis Island which determined the fate of the immigrants. The fear of family separation or lacking certain qualifications added to the immigrants anxieties. Immigration through Ellis Island decreased due to legislation and shut down in 1954 by the Immigration Services. Immigration has had a powerful impact in the birth and development of the United States. It is a melting pot of diverse ethnicities and cultures. The past immigrants have had to overcome their hardships to attain the American dream. Interestingly, the current immigrants from Latin American countries are in the same predicament as the past immigrants (Immigration, n.d.). Illegal Central Americans have immigrated to the United States in late 1970s due to political and economic circumstances. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 â€Å"institutes employer sanctions for knowingly hiring illegal aliens, create legalization programs, and increases border enforcement.† (Fix and Passel, 1994). Even though the act has been in effect since 1986, the problem of illegal immigration is prevalent in todays society. According to Steven Camarotas article, â€Å"Immigrants in the United States, 2007: A Profile of Americans Foreign-Born Population† and data from the Census Bureau in March 2007, â€Å"one in three immigrants is an illegal alien. Half of Mexican and Central American immigrants and one-third of South American immigrants are illegal.† (Camarota, 2007). According to Table 4 of the Centre for Immigration Studies, â€Å"Latin American and Caribbean countries dominate the list of immigrant-sending countries, accounting for almost half of the top-25 countries.† (Camarota, 2007). (Camarota, 2007) Immigration reform, a controversial topic, is addressed by the presidential candidates. According to Jimenez in his article, â€Å"Whos the immigration candidate?† Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton â€Å"favour comprehensive immigration reform: increased border security, a pathway to citizenship and an electronic employment verification system. â€Å" (Jimenez, 2008). President Bush and the presidential candidates Obama and Clinton state that there is a need for a comprehensive immigration reform because the present immigration system is ineffective. Since the present immigration system is ineffective, city councils such as Farmers Branch are taking further action to control illegal immigration such as implementing an ordinance that requires apartment managers to verify their legal status (Garay, 2007). Illegal immigration is a problem full of complexities that cannot be solved with merely one discipline. As seen in figure 1 immigrates has increase from 24.3 million in 1995 to 37.3 million in 2007 (Camarota, 2007). To attain a greater understanding of illegal immigration, the need of integrated disciplines must be analysed (Repko, 2005). First, government will address the legislation and the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the present immigration system. Second, communication will express the different perspectives of illegal immigration. Third, business will focus on the immigrations economic impact on the United States. Finally, psychology will present the familys emotional impact on illegal immigration. 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